Sunday, March 25, 2012

This page is part of our sample prayers section

A soul tie is a spiritual connection between our soul and that of another person. Soul ties are important to address in sex addiction because they can hold us back from achieving complete victory over our addiction.

There are good soul ties and bad soul ties. Good soul ties are commonly created in marriage and healthy friendships (Malachi 2:15; Genesis 2:24, 1 Chronicles 12:17, Colossians 2:2). Bad soul ties are created through sinful relationships and/or activities. Examples of situations that could create bad soul ties:

  • Sex sin: Sex unites people physically, emotionally and spiritually. If we have sex with people other than our spouse, we create soul ties that cause all kinds of problems (spiritual confusion, emotional confusion, sex addiction, compulsivity, obsession, etc.).
  • Looking at sex images, memories, objects and fetishes: These activities can establish a soul tie with an evil spirit. An example of this is found in Hosea 4:17 when Ephraim became joined with his idols. A tie may not be established in every instance, but it is certainly possible. Example objects: a favorite porn depiction, a garment worn by a former lover, pictures of former lovers, a cherished sexual memory.
  • Sexual abuse/molestation: This can result in soul ties between the perpetrator and the victim. If you have been involved in sexual abuse, please seek healing prayer and Christian counsel as you proceed in your journey to freedom. Visit our counseling page for more info.
  • "Unhealthy" relationships: Examples include relationships characterized by manipulation, guilt, emotional abuse, co-dependency, unnatural affection, envy and/or lust.

How to know if you have a bad soul tie:

  • Ask the Lord: Take a moment to ask God in prayer to show you if you have soul ties that need to be severed. If the Lord brings people to mind or you think there is a possibility of a soul tie, proceed to pray to cut the soul tie.
  • Look at the fruit: A way to determine the nature of a soul tie is to examine its fruit (Matthew 7:16-18). Good soul ties will bear good fruit; examples being love, blessing, fidelity, loyalty, honor, righteousness, etc. The overall effect of the good soul tie will be to strengthen our emotional wholeness and our walk with God. Bad soul ties will bear bad fruit, examples being hatred, resentment, curses, manipulation, anger, strife, jealousy, control, bitterness, etc. The overall effect of bad soul ties will be to hold us back from enjoying our relationship with God and to keep us in bondage to whatever we struggle with.

Cutting soul ties: We can cut soul ties by praying in the authority of Jesus Christ. The idea is to identify the source, confess/repent from any sin you committed related to it, cut the ties in Jesus' name, ask God to remove all negative effects and ask for restoration to wholeness. If you are cutting soul ties related to an object, be sure to destroy the object and remove it from your home. Here's a sample prayer:

"Father God, I thank you for saving me from destruction. I praise you for sending Jesus to die for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins against you. Specifically, I confess that I ______________(details of the sin & names). I repent of that sin and renounce it now. Lord, please purify my heart from this sin, the memory of it and any associated fantasy I have entertained in my mind regarding it. In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of his blood shed on the cross, I cut myself free from any soul ties that may have been established with _______ (name (s) or specific objects). I commit him/her/them to the care of Jesus Christ for him to do with as he wills. Satan, I rebuke you in all your works and ways. I rebuke any evil spirits that have a foothold in me. In the name of Jesus, I command you evil spirits to leave me and go directly to Jesus Christ. Father, please heal my soul of any wounds resulting from these soul ties. Please reintegrate any part of me that may have been detained through this/these soul ties and restore me to wholeness. I also ask that you will reintegrate any part of the person(s) I sinned with that has been detained in me, and restore them to wholeness. Thank you, Lord, for your healing power and your perfect love for me. May I glorify you with my life from this point forward. In Jesus' name, Amen."

For those who feel uncomfortable cutting the soul ties themselves, here is a prayer that asks God to cut the ties for us:

"Father God, Thank you for saving me from destruction. I praise you for sending Jesus to die for my sins. Specifically, I confess that I have sinned in the following ways: ______________(details of the sin & names). I repent from those sins and renounce them now. Please forgive me and cleanse my conscience with the blood of Jesus. Lord, please cut the unhealthy soul ties between me and _______ (list name (s)). Please restore me to wholeness in spirit, soul and body and reintegrate any part of me that was involved with those soul ties. I also ask for the salvation and restoration of those people that I was involved with. I commit him/her/them to your care. I rebuke any evil spirits that may have gained a foothold in me from that sin. I command you to leave me and go to Jesus Christ now! Thank you, Lord, for setting me free to live as the new person in Christ you made me to be! I praise you now and forever, Amen!"


P.S. Some churches really don't talk about this stuff and how serious it is.

Destroying Ungodly Sexual Soul Ties

What is a soul tie? Prayer to destroy soul ties formed through sexual relationships. How to deal with memories and flashbacks of ungodly sexual relationships, applying the blood of Jesus.

Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties

What is a soul tie? It is an invisible linkage of two people in the soul realm. It is usuallyformed through sexual intercourse.
God designed sex for marriage. Marriage is very serious to God and is a blood covenant.Because sexual intercourse is ultimately intimate, two people become one flesh and thesouls are also joined together.
God made it this way, because He wants them to cleave toone another in a unique way, thus causing the relationship between a husband and wife to be healthy, strong and close. He gave sex to bind them together in a strong way, strong enough to build a family.

Mat 19:5 And because of this, a man leaves father and mother and is firmly bonded to hiswife, becoming one flesh-no longer two bodies but one.
Sex outside of marriage also forms a soul tie and causes defilement;

Genesis 34:2-3, "And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country,saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her. And his soul cleaved unto Dinahthe daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spoke kindly unto the damsel."

It is common to still have feelings towards an ex-lover. Sometimes it is hard to forgetsomeone. This might be because the soul tie is still in place. Even demonic spirits can be transferred.

Ezekiel 23:17, "And the Babylonians came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their whoredom, and she was polluted with them."

How to break a soul tie

1. Fornication, adultery and any homosexual - or lesbian relationships are sure ways tocreate nasty soul ties. You may pray the following; “Heavenly Father, I confess theungodly sexual relationship with sin. I understand that you gave sexual unityto create a holy bond between two married people. I repent for violating these laws,being rebellious in this matter and defiling myself. I bring the ungodly relationship/s the cross of Jesus. I declare that I take responsibility for my actions and askfor your forgiveness. Wash me with the blood of Jesus, make me whiter than snow.Please help me to stay pure in this area.” When you have confessed, you arecompletely forgiven by God and cleansed. You are no longer guilty and must forgiveyourself too, because Jesus has already paid for you.

2. Gifts given by a lover in an adulterous relationship often symbolize the sinful union. It isrecommended that such gifts/tokens be destroyed, because they can hold a soul tie inplace.

3. Repent of spoken vows made during the relationship. They are words that bind andneed to be broken verbally. Things like "I will love you forever", or "I could never loveanother man!" need to be renounced. Proverbs 21:23 tells us, "Whoso keeps his mouthand his tongue keeps his soul from troubles."

4. Forgive them if you have anything against them. Pray a blessing over them.

5. Renounce the soul tie/s. If you had more than one sexual partner, renounce each oneby name. Do this verbally, and in Jesus' name. Example, "In Jesus' name, I now renounceany ungodly soul ties formed between myself and a result of ................(fornication, etc.). I declare the covenant/ agreement that was established between us as a result of our sexual relationship broken and nullified completely. I sever myself from..................and declare that all links and ties between us and all inroads to our soulcompletely destroyed, in the name of Jesus. I declare that I am no longer bound the soul realm, or any other way, in Jesus name.

"6. Evil spirits connected to the relationship/s. Take authority and declare “I command allevil spirits connected to the relationship with leave me now in Jesus name.

”7. Scattered soul. “I call all parts of my soul that got scattered or attached to other soulsthrough these deeds and I command it to return to me. Return to your rest my soul! I sendaway all parts of other people's souls that became attached to me through ungodly sexualrelationships, in Jesus name.”

How to deal with memories and flashbacks of ungodly sexual relationships

Even though you deal with soul ties, you might still have memories that plague you. To deal with it, try to remember the faces, situations and feelings. A powerful way to wipe outthese memories or images is to apply the blood of Jesus. The scripture says that it has theability to wash, cleanse and erase. Think of the blood. In your mind take a rag, dipped inthe blood and begin to wipe out;

1.Memories of your sexual encounters outside marriage. Do this whenever youremember them again until they are completely wiped out. It is possible to wipethem all out!

2.Bring all your feelings of guilt and shame to the cross of Jesus. Nail them to thecross with prayer. Use the blood and wipe it out all guilt and shame.Continue daily to wipe out memory flashes of the past with the blood. You will begin toexperience God's peace in these areas and have victory over sexual sin. Guard yourself inthis area!